Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Alice Sebold As An Author

Yesterday I started "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. Already, it is an extremely intense book. After reading one chapter I realized that this book may be hard to read at sometimes because it is focused on such a depressing topic. I have read other Alice Sebold books and noticed that they all seem to be written about the same issue. Could Alice Sebold's real life have something to do with the problems she brings up in her books?
The issue faced in "The Lovely Bones" is rape and murder. It was challenging reading the parts describing the rape because it was so disturbing and horrifying. While I was reading I thought, if that ever happened to me I would be terrified. More than ever I would feel sorry for my family. In "The Lovely Bones" the young girl, Susie's family is trying to figure out what happened to their daughter. They are devastated and confused.
In another Alice Sebold book I read called "Lucky" the story is very similar though the main character does not face death. However, the girl is also raped. As I thought about it, I wondered whether this was an issue Alice Sebold experienced as a kid. In both of her books the character is around 13 years old. Both characters are harassed by older men and do not know how to deal with it.
Rape is a very serious and scary thing. Although it may not be true I am assuming that the author Alice Sebold experienced this during her childhood due to the topics of her novels "Lucky" and "The Lovely Bones." Whether she did or not, she shows her strong feelings about it through her writing. As I read I will try to note other relations I see in her book.

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