Sunday, December 16, 2012

New Moon

     Now I am onto the second Twilight saga series book, New Moon. I am trying to identify the differences and comparisons between the book and the movie as I did with the first book. 
     Though I have seen the movies, I am glad I read the first book instead of just skipping it. This way, I can follow the books (considering they are different from the movies. 
     New Moon picks up right where Twilight left off. I am not of any sort confused although, the book can be hard to follow if you do not start from the beginning of the series. There is not very much explaining in the second book. The author expects you to know the characters, setting, and plot. It is just like a continuation of the first one. Bella and Edward have already been through so much together but are still dealing with new issues everyday which adds to the story. The intensity of the story increases with every book as I've noticed so far. 
     To sum it up, I am still identifying the differences between the books and Twilight series movies. Also, I am contrasting the first and second books. I am planning to read more in this series because it is something that interests me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Beginning to the Twilight BOOKS

     Though I have already seen all four movies, I am just starting the Twilight series books. I have heard from many people that the books are a lot different than the movies. With that, I hope to see the difference and be able to compare and contrast when I am further into the series.
     It is strange reading the books after seeing the movies when it is usually the other way around for most people. Things that are stated in the book are no surprise to me because I already know what will happen next. For example, Bella has just found out that Edward is a vampire. This part had a lot leading up to it. It was supposed to be shocking and a huge part of the book. For me, it was not because I was already informed of his vampirism and was not as amused as a reader who hadn't seen the movies.
     Something I do enjoy about reading the book series after the movies is, I get to see some minor differences. There have not been many yet but, as I reach the end of the first book I am hoping to see more change. One twist I have noticed so far in Twilight is, the detailed perspective of the book. In the movie you hear some of Bella's thoughts but not nearly as much as in the book. Most of the book is her thinking and internally reacting to situations such as Edward being a vampire. I like knowing what is going on inside her because that is something we do not get to so see on TV.
     As I read, I will continue searching for these key points that make the book significant and different than the movies.