Sunday, April 28, 2013


     I'm in the middle of "Shadowmaker" by Joan Lowery Nixon. In the book, I've noticed that the main character Katherine (Kate) Gillian has been having trouble admitting her feeling to people. It's almost like she's scared to let people know what she actually feels.     In the book, Kate seems to almost never really expresses the way she feels about certain things. For example, in the book, Kate loves ballet. But, she never admitted this to her mom. While on the beach, Katie starts doing some moves from Swan Lake, not knowing her mom can see her from their house. After she finishes, her mom goes up to her and asks "Katie, was it wrong for me to take you away from your lessons? You know what, we can go back to Houston". Then Katie proceeds to say that she doesn't "like ballet that much, it's just a hobby" even though Katie knows how much she loves to dance and how much she wants to move back so she can continue her lessons, but for some reason, she can't admit it to her mom.
     Katie also has problems telling the other people at her school how she feels as well. Like when she didn't know what to do when someone she doesn't like at all asks her to the dance.  When Billy asked her, she just said yes. Even though she doesn't even like Billy, and didn't want to go to the dance. She just didn't know how to tell him no without either him or her getting made fun of by the other kids in the school. Even though this example is a little different,  I think it still shows the difficulty she has telling others what she thinks.
     I think Katie is just afraid of disapointing people. Now it's only halfway through the book, but I'm already getting that from her. How she doesn't want to say no to people, or admit her interests or that she really wants something. These are just some of the things that lead me to think that Katie is more worried about others happiness, rather than he own.

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